RGB Color values

These colors are apparently the color names known to X-windows. I took these names and Hex RGB values from a Website that isn't online anymore and added the actual color via the BGCOLOR (enhancement) attribute of the TABLE cell tag <TD>. This allows you to see (provided your browser supports enhanced tables) the actual color value.

Note: if your system supports only 16 or 256 colors, then your browser will probably 'fold' many of these colors into the few colors your system supports (thus you'll see lots of whites and grays). On a system with 65K or more colors each color is 'pure' and unique. Most of these are not in the "Web safe" set of colors, so use them sparingly.

Color names shown in bold caps are the "16 widely understood color names" from the HTML 3.2 documentation, and were picked as being the standard 16 colors supported with the Windows VGA palette. It is generally safer to code BGCOLOR="#00FFFF" in your HTML source than to code by color name, e.g. BGCOLOR=Aqua.

Color name RGB Color
aliceblueF0 F8 FF 
antiquewhiteFA EB D7 
aquamarine7F FF D4 
azureF0 FF FF 
beigeF5 F5 DC 
bisqueFF E4 C4 
BLACK00 00 00 
blanchedalmondFF EB CD 
BLUE00 00 FF 
blueviolet8A 2B E2 
brownA5 2A 2A 
burlywoodDE B8 87 
cadetblue5F 9E A0 
chartreuse7F FF 00 
chocolateD2 69 1E 
coralFF 7F 50 
cornflowerblue64 95 ED 
cornsilkFF F8 DC 
crimsonDC 14 3C 
cyan00 FF FF 
darkblue00 00 8B 
darkcyan00 8B 8B 
darkgoldenrodB8 86 0B 
darkgrayA9 A9 A9 
darkgreen00 64 00 
darkkhakiBD B7 6B 
darkmagenta8B 00 8B 
darkolivegreen55 6B 2F 
darkorangeFF 8C 00 
darkorchid99 32 CC 
darkred8B 00 00 
darksalmonE9 96 7A 
darkseagreen8F BC 8F 
darkslateblue48 3D 8B 
darkslategray2F 4F 4F 
darkturquoise00 CE D1 
darkviolet94 00 D3 
deeppinkFF 14 93 
deepskyblue00 BF FF 
dimgray69 69 69 
dodgerblue1E 90 FF 
firebrickB2 22 22 
floralwhiteFF FA F0 
forestgreen22 8B 22 
gainsboroDC DC DC 
ghostwhiteF8 F8 FF 
goldFF D7 00 
goldenrodDA A5 20 
GRAY80 80 80 
GREEN00 80 00 
greenyellowAD FF 2F 
honeydewF0 FF F0 
hotpinkFF 69 B4 
indianredCD 5C 5C 
indigo4B 00 82 
ivoryFF FF F0 
khakiF0 E6 8C 
lavenderE6 E6 FA 
lavenderblushFF F0 F5 
lawngreen7C FC 00 
lemonchiffonFF FA CD 
lightblueAD D8 E6 
lightcoralF0 80 80 
lightcyanE0 FF FF 
lightgoldenrodyellowFA FA D2 
lightgreen90 EE 90 
lightgreyD3 D3 D3 
lightpinkFF B6 C1 
lightsalmonFF A0 7A 
lightseagreen20 B2 AA 
lightskyblue87 CE FA 
lightslategray77 88 99 
lightsteelblueB0 C4 DE 
lightyellowFF FF E0 
LIME00 FF 00 
limegreen32 CD 32 
linenFA F0 E6 
magentaFF 00 FF 
MAROON80 00 00 
mediumaquamarine66 CD AA 
mediumblue00 00 CD 
mediumorchidBA 55 D3 
mediumpurple93 70 DB 
mediumseagreen3C B3 71 
mediumslateblue7B 68 EE 
mediumspringgreen00 FA 9A 
mediumturquoise48 D1 CC 
mediumvioletredC7 15 85 
midnightblue19 19 70 
mintcreamF5 FF FA 
mistyroseFF E4 E1 
moccasinFF E4 B5 
navajowhiteFF DE AD 
NAVY00 00 80 
oldlaceFD F5 E6 
OLIVE80 80 00 
olivedrab6B 8E 23 
orangeFF A5 00 
orangeredFF 45 00 
orchidDA 70 D6 
palegoldenrodEE E8 AA 
palegreen98 FB 98 
paleturquoiseAF EE EE 
palevioletredDB 70 93 
papayawhipFF EF D5 
peachpuffFF DA B9 
peruCD 85 3F 
pinkFF C0 CB 
plumDD A0 DD 
powderblueB0 E0 E6 
PURPLE80 00 80 
REDFF 00 00 
rosybrownBC 8F 8F 
royalblue41 69 E1 
saddlebrown8B 45 13 
salmonFA 80 72 
sandybrownF4 A4 60 
seagreen2E 8B 57 
seashellFF F5 EE 
siennaA0 52 2D 
skyblue87 CE EB 
slateblue6A 5A CD 
slategray70 80 90 
snowFF FA FA 
springgreen00 FF 7F 
steelblue46 82 B4 
tanD2 B4 8C 
TEAL00 80 80 
thistleD8 BF D8 
tomatoFF 63 47 
turquoise40 E0 D0 
violetEE 82 EE 
wheatF5 DE B3 
whitesmokeF5 F5 F5 
yellowgreen9A CD 32